Sunday, October 23, 2011

going through changes

he saw me coming vulnerability etched like pen marks on my godson's pants during a too long service. i am a walking tuning fork ting ting ting lonely girl walking only a woman when time and reason demand it talking incessantly not lying not laying in the truth before him. sacrificial lamb not stylish or necessary anymore by biblical accord. tears and intellectually tinged rant army only armor the chinks are too obvious to the naked eye. a woman once said to me what am I invisible fifteen years later i finally know what she meant as she beat her life into my car window with her withered worldly fist deep is realizing that your are are everything and nothing at once. not there yet but I am surrounded by purveyors of the concept... he saw me coming at six at sixteen at twenty seven at thirty three hell at thirty five and a few to twenty times in between. i can't take the blame but who else is there to shoulder all this extra weight not prednisone or enbrel. eyes still peer cutting through the layers and i remember the brevity of real beauty encased in misses sizes and flowing good hair. so i bled out got my new blood thinking, praying that this blood would start the revolution in me yet i've come to know that changes lies not in blood or bone or tears or words but only in grace. and my hands slightly twisting becoming slowly misshapen grotesque in my eyes... in fact are clasped in prayer pleading for its elusive descent because i want to be much more stealthy. sometimes my arrival should be a mere whisper and surprise the hell out of whoever or whatever is waiting

Thursday, September 8, 2011

is a republican trait. Did Mr. Obama speak or act soon enough? I'm not sure-I don't have his burden&responsibilities. Support him!

one year


Sunday, August 28, 2011

a fave by Pablo Neruda "Sonnet 17"

"I don't love you as if you were the salt-rose, topaz or arrow of carnations that propagate fire: I love you as certain dark things are loved, secretly, between the shadow and the soul. I love you as the plant that doesn't bloom, and carries hidden within itself the light of those flowers, and thanks to your love, darkly in my body lives the dense fragrance that rises from the earth. I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where, I love you simply, without problems or pride: I love you in this way because I know no other way of loving but this, in which there is no I or you; so intimate that your hand upon my chest is my hand, so intimate that when I fall asleep it is your eyes that close."

...this is the type of love i want to b showered with 

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Jazzanova - Little Bird (ft. Jose James)

Monday, April 11, 2011

while listening to Jose James sing "little bird"

in these times, i have God
He is my hope and love
music is a moment's refuge
i know that time will do its duty
yesterdays are merely early morning dew
insomuch i hold on.
i fear the freedom of forgetfulness;
past loves ring me
recalling brief moments of profundity
i am numb.
the spark eludes my lips
i try self talk
saying its is good, try harder
i cant fool me
the question resounds in my waiting ears
why are u
why aren't u
i thought i heard
you must want to b
u don't want
u think u
i cant answer questions that to me clearly have no answer
simplicity has never been my forte
i have no hiding place
even with the music.
my God hears all
sees all
knows all
and with that knowledge fear should have no home here
and yet there is a yearning
not spiritual
saved yet seeking
always teetering on the razor's edge
a million tears
and that is where it begins and ends
is my constant prelude
to joy

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Insomnia. Jack. & coke.

eyez wide shut heart closed
stomping holes into her heart
love ain't the issue

Saturday, March 26, 2011


An exquisite and
Tangible reminder that
I'm fucking alive

Insomnia and Jill Scott - A haiku

though lightly grasped
silence inhibits intent
say what u want...please

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Happy F@#*ing Valentine's Day

i held him orificially until he cried rivers into my hair
and left me never to return again

i coerced spasms from so deep within another that
he became suspicious of my orificial expertise and married another woman

i loved him so, orificially, that he told me he couldn't see me anymore
i was making him weak
not a man

i put all of my love into him orificially
kneading love knots with adept fingers
and kisses that pleaded
begged for love
to cum forth with a force that he had never known before
and he called me a whore

i listened to his promises of forever
as i undulated mercilessly
over him
not in control
having full control
turning seconds into minutes into eternity
and i left him with smeared mascara from my own tears
he called again and again
i never answered

his eyes are closed tight
or they are transfixed on me in lust maquerading occasionally as love

he strokes my hair, shoulders, back, thighs
he pulls my hair as if i am a dumb deaf mute emotionless sex doll

sometimes it feels like rape
sometimes it feels like love

i never cum