i held him orificially until he cried rivers into my hair
and left me never to return again
i coerced spasms from so deep within another that
he became suspicious of my orificial expertise and married another woman
i loved him so, orificially, that he told me he couldn't see me anymore
i was making him weak
not a man
i put all of my love into him orificially
kneading love knots with adept fingers
and kisses that pleaded
begged for love
to cum forth with a force that he had never known before
and he called me a whore
i listened to his promises of forever
as i undulated mercilessly
over him
not in control
having full control
turning seconds into minutes into eternity
and i left him with smeared mascara from my own tears
he called again and again
i never answered
his eyes are closed tight
or they are transfixed on me in lust maquerading occasionally as love
he strokes my hair, shoulders, back, thighs
he pulls my hair as if i am a dumb deaf mute emotionless sex doll
sometimes it feels like rape
sometimes it feels like love
i never cum