i ain't singing no sadmangoneluvtorn song
i will never be that girl again
pity is wasted on me
i dont want it
save it
use it for yourself
i feel like that volcano that i made in the third grade
it exploded in my mommas kitchen
on the ceiling
i laughed and she cursed
don't need approval
or make believe empathy
at this stage in my game
i am fine
held together with good ish
u couldnt imagine what ive survived
so telling a man to kma
does not send me into orbit or
place a hole in my stratosphere
and if i cry
or u hear tears through the phone
im not weak
im resolute
and the tears floating down my face
are a testament to the strength
that resides in me
im no victim
im no footstool
im not THAT girl anymore
im a woman
inspired &
Sunday, October 11, 2009
i'm no ones tragedy muthafuca!
Posted by dee at 10/11/2009 09:46:00 PM 0 comments
Monday, September 21, 2009
on him, hurt, and growing up...
love yourself. don't ever believe, like i have, that you aren't deserving of every good and perfect gift. God made you in His image, so please know that u are beautiful, wonderful, special and worthy!
i allowed others and situations to make me feel that i wasn't good enough to deserve true contentment and peace. i based my feelings for myself on what others thought of me, or worse still, what i imagined they thought of me. not pretty. too fat. too emotional. too passive. instead i denied myself the pleasure of being all of the good that is me - kind, loving, selfless, determined, smart, witty, and dedicated.
i am angry at myself for abusing myself. that is why i am sharing how i feel now, because i know i am not alone. but these things, negative and difficult, are just for a season. we learn and grow from the difficulties of being fallible. it is the path to enlightenment, salvation, and self acceptance.
perfection isn't necessary in my mind; i just strive to be more and more of what He would have me to be each day and watch the blessings of God show up in time, His time.
my birthday was two weeks ago, but dee grew up a little more today. i am hurt but it will pass and i will look back and think, well i made it through that just fine. i am thankful to God for the process. He is doing a great work in me.
from a late blooming ever-evolving flower...namaste and be blessed!
Posted by dee at 9/21/2009 06:29:00 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Happy Positive Thinking Day 9/13/09
10 ways to create a positive day
1. Use affirmations - Read and listen to affirmations so that you can begin to change your self-talk. (PRAY WITHOUT CEASING!)
2. Intention - Set your intention each morning to have a positive day! Remember you choose your attitude!
3. Mindfulness - Keep your attention in the present moment.
4. Link to think -Pick something you do frequently (perhaps making a phone call) and let that be a reminder to think a positive thought.
5. Gratitude - Develop an attitude of gratitude by keeping a gratitude journal.
6. Inspiration - Read and watch inspirational and motivational material to lift your mood.(THE BIBLE IS A GOOD PLACE TO START!)
7. Positive people - Surround yourself with positive people. They will help you stay focused on the positive.
8. Kindness - Be kind to yourself and those around you.
9. Applied faith - Trust that every situation has the seeds for growth and opportunity. (JUST JESUS!!!!)
10. Smile - Smile when you see others. A smile is contagious.
Posted by dee at 9/13/2009 12:19:00 PM 0 comments
Saturday, September 12, 2009
for him
two years
711 days
and one email lost among 833
were all that lingered
like the tears that so easily,
so languidly,
so passionately
grace the presence of my waiting
lashes &
those brief moments
stood full of promise
love in vitro
maturing untouched
no too soon sex
to mar what is so clear
no voice,
opinions to darken what
has made light as air.
your love sings to me
rests in my hair and on my lips.
distance makes us laugh;
it has no stronghold
a fortress of praise
& the future instead buttresses &
taunts miles
subliminal messages.
so much left to say
& there is no for need to say
quickened heartbeats
locked eyes
trembling hands
secret words
we know
God knows.
strength u have wrapped around me
sincerity i have laid at your feet.
i hold these gifts not in my hands
instead beyond
the shallowness of word
in the secret place they dwell;
healing places that i dared not touch myself
rubbing scars until the numbness
then pain
then joy
and i cannot wait
and i will wait.
your promises
are not promises
but gifts etched
two souls
two hearts
one love
Posted by dee at 9/12/2009 09:17:00 PM 2 comments
Sunday, March 15, 2009
to jermaine thank you for kissing me in the cloak room, i felt pretty that day
to adarryl u were my friend first and boyfriend when i was ready. thank u for letting me go when it was time
to torrance for telling me i was beautiful...summer after summer
to avery for saving a seat for me everyday
to luke for being the first and not breaking my heart
to ramera for showing one type of man i should never be with
to broderick for loving me so well and so sincerely. i'm sorry for hurting u.
to zaire for holding me when i need to be held
to brian for teaching me the game, even though i refused to play. you are forever in my prayers
to kelvin for making me laugh even when i wanted to cry
to nick for broadening my horizons
to stanley for startling me into the realization that my self esteem had nothing to do with him
to courtney for making me realize that if you cant love me, as is, you aren't worthy of my love
to marcus for teaching me the difference between a man and boy( u were the latter)
to dwayne for that NYE in Atlanta...
to ram for being a friend and helping me to grow emotionally, because i had to (pain grows you up quick)
to three i wont name, for bringing me back to reality
to quinn for breaking my heart into a million pieces
to my Father in heaven for giving me the patience to wait for someone other than any of the aforementioned,
Posted by dee at 3/15/2009 11:48:00 PM 0 comments
Monday, March 2, 2009
in outrage - i see young black, brown,and tan girls abused, exploited, and murdered in this country (see http://blackandmissing.blogspot.com/)yet we never see their faces on national news, no nationwide searches for them, or fifty thousand dollar rewards when they go missing. young black, brown,tan boys feel that misogyny is a rite of passage. our babies die at alarming rates from poor or no health care, abuse from the hands of parents, strangers, and in a broken social service system that is dedicated to numbers and not families. today i am crying for our children, so many children who have no hope or voice. what can i do? i feel very small sometimes... honestly, writing and not knowing what to actually DO. i talked with my father and expressed my feelings of frustration. he said, "dee these problems will always be with us, u just have to do your part." so what can i do, write letters, volunteer, further my education, educate others and work to do my best at my difficult and stressful job...this is not the end for me, but verbalizing gave me peace today, so i share my peace with you. please share it with whoever will listen. i didn't write this piece, but i luv it:
apples on trees. The best
ones are at the top of the tree.
The boys don't want to reach for
the good ones because they are afraid
of falling and getting hurt. Instead, they
just get the rotten apples from the ground
that aren't as good, but easy. So the apples
at the top think something is wrong with
them, when in reality, they're amazing.
They just have to wait for the right
boy to come along, the one
who's brave enough
to climb
all the way
to the top
of the tree.
i plan to re-write this however, because i believe that if the fallen apples are picked up quickly, even with a few bumps and bruises, they can be saved and just as beautiful and worthy as those apples hanging on...
in prayer and meditation for understanding and God's direction,
Posted by dee at 3/02/2009 05:04:00 PM 3 comments
Sunday, February 8, 2009
who i am
since we are still doing the black history month thing...though only obvious in McDonald's commercials...check out these photos. they are surreal, they made me cry, they made me conscious of how blessed i am. that's all for now folks. i'm trying to write now to make some money, so keep me in your positive thoughts and prayers!
peace & blessings
Posted by dee at 2/08/2009 10:06:00 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
if there was enough luv in my heart
to heal whateva is keeping u from me
i would drain my veins
red & dripping
(on your pristine white carpet)
of what is precious
to restore what you lost
through your pain & longing...
stopping the train doesn't mean
that we still don't have somewhere to b.
my luv is as deep &
wide as the hole in your heart
but i can not waste away emotionally vacant
waiting for u to come home to me
no forever, not eternally,
cause we all must know there is so much time before eternity comes to fruition
i know who i am
flawed, yes, but not weak
struggling, but still working and full of hope for my tomorrows
grieving, losses seen and unseen, but still intact
free to fly & grounded
if luv is my future, it shall be good
deep like the great oceans
vast as the evening sky
bountiful as the forests that will remain when we r long gone.
that is the reality of me today.
& the most difficult situation to comprehend
my luv fo u...
Posted by dee at 1/14/2009 09:07:00 PM 3 comments